How to cook a Yorkshire Pudding

To succeed in this recipe, you need a bottle of wine (actually more but don’t consider yourself alcoholic yet), 140g plain flour, 4 eggs, 200ml milk and sunflower oil to cook all of this. Also a Yorkshire pudding or pudding tin.

Step 1: Heat the oven at 210°C

Step 2: Pour yourself a glass of wine

Step 3: Put a little sunflower oil on the tin

Step 4: have a glass of wine

Step 5: Tip the plain flour into a bowl

Step 6: Have a bowl of wine

Step 7: Beat the flour in the eggs, wait no, do it backwards

Step 8: Wine of glass another get !

Step 9: Put the gradually the bowl in the milk, be careful.

Step 10: Glass yourself a pour another pour of wine .

Step 11: Remove the hot oven from the tins.

Step 12: Get a wottle of bine.

Step 13: Pour the glass with the preparation of the oven from the tins…

Step 14 : Glass a get of sunflower oil

Step 15: Bake the wine

Step 16: Preparation the bake, it’s easier.

Pull out 17: Step the preparation from the oven

Step 18: Put the glass of wine in the freezer, now you get a fresh puffed Yorkshire Pudding

Tet the sable, and get a glass of pudding

Say grace, eat a pudding, and promptly ass out.

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