By Inès Marchand-Arold,  DelphineMoote, Camille Paccelieri & Lucile Streicher


Star Citizen is an online game, created by Chris Robert. The creation started in 2012. The game’s development is funded by crowdfunding.  So far, 1, 234 000 fans have bought access to play before the product launch. The game developers earned more than 145.000.000 of dollars for his development; and the amount increases every days.

Why spend so much money and time for the development of a sole computer game?

Then, we asked S.

S. is an evocati (editor’s note : beta tester for Star Citizen). He explained that Star Citizen had just been a simulation game at the beginning. Then, the crowdfunding brought forth the opportunity to create something bigger: Star Citizen grew in Robert’s mind ! So far, few modules are playable: Arena Commander*, Star Marine* and Universe*. Robert Space Industry and Cloud Imperium develop other modules like Squadron 42*. People can already play by completing missions, piloting ships and dogfighting against aliens or criminals. Robert Space Industries often update the game. And all modules will be gathered into Universe. S. is very excited about the last one. «It won’t be just a dogfighting game. It will be like a second life. Graphics are amazing!». It seems Star Citizen’s immersion excited everybody, including the creator, Chris Robert.

« I don’t want to build a game, I want to build an universe » (Chris Robert)

Historians, scientists, artists and psychologists work to create a likeness between Star Citizen and the real world. All planets will have specifics ecosystems, habitants and History. Star Citizen’s universe contains a lot of planets and each planet is inhabited by its own race of aliens.

So far three alien’s species have been created. Linguists help the creation process by inventing their language. The alien species are the Vanduuls, the Xi’Ans, and the Banus. The Vanduuls are aggressive and hostile toward the United Empire of Earth. The Banus are cultured-hound of the universe, and they trade a lot with all species (including Humans). The Xi’Ans look like mutant ninja turtles (but they don’t eat pizzas). They are patient and refined. They were formerly at war against humans, and now they are neutral towards them. In the next huge update (3.0), players could possibly meet them.

«In this game, your choices matters» (Robert space Industries)

To start the game you need to pay a package. This package is a space ship (a space ship can cost 50$ to 10 000 $).

« And, if you die, you lose everything. If you have taken insurance coverage for your ship, you get it back, but without your improvements and updates. And the insurance isn’t everlasting» S. warned. Whether you want to be a criminal or a proper citizen, you have to assume consequences. You will be chased by NPC and bounty hunters if you did a crime. « The punishment depends on the criminal offense. For example, if you killed someone, you take the risk to be hunted down and to be sentenced to death because your outlaw behaviors. And hiding you behind a bush won’t be enough.» Like S. warns: one place, its laws, yours choices. Characters need to eat, to sleep, and even to poop. Therefore, you need to buy things, which are produced inside the game. Thus, you need to earn money by working or stealing.

Yeah, you have to work your way up, like S. He works for Delos Company* as trader. He seals and transports oil aboard his great ship, which belongs to 8 players. Indeed, the ship was too big (and too expensive) for one pilot.

« We use a chat called Spectrum to share. » S. explained to us.

He said that you could play like a single player or cooperatively. Therefore, players and developers need places to share information. On forums, you can debate and share ideas with other players. It’s especially called « official forums ». By chatting, you can talk in real time with other developers. There are two communities: basic chat and Spectrum which is inside the game. You can choose your own community and find the right strategy. And Issue Council is the place to share any bugs you find while you play and test the Alpha modules.

 Focus on : Star Citizen’s and public interests

Video games are becoming important for a lot of people. Star Citizen is the proof of this phenomenon. Indeed, many Star Citizen’s space ships are bought by companies. Playing video games at work seems weird, isn’t it? It is reasonable! According to scientific experiments, violent video games make players more aggressive and less caring.  On the contrary, Douglas Gentile’s experiments demonstrate that prosocial video games make kids friendlier. Furthermore, actions video games improve visual-spatial skills. Star Citizen is both. Thus, companies buy access to play Star Citizen for their employees because it stimulates coordination, creativity and team spirit. They are wonderful, aren’t they?

To conclude : «Slow and steady win the race » (tortoise and hare story, Aesop’s fable)

So far, Star Citizen has been in development since 2012. Currently, the update is 2.6. Fans are awaiting the next huge update; 3.0 update. After that, news job will be available (Bounty Hunting, trading, pirates), and the players will have the possibility to watch a complete circle day, to explore planets, and more… Furthermore, some glitches will be corrected!

If you like Star Citizen, you can learn more about it on the game’s website Robert’s Space Industries. Star Citizen’s staff publishes news several times per week and organizes events to promote Star Citizen.


Data sheet

Name : (Alpha) Star Citizen

Storyline : In a distant future, the United Empire of  the Earth (UEE) is the only human country left on the universe. Humans have colonized space and met different alien nations: the Vanduuls, the Banus and the Xi’Ans. They trade together, but this cosmopolitan world is tense because Vanduuls and humans are at war and because of the rise of criminality.

The storyline is in development.

Statut : in development (2012- unknown)

Creator : Chris Robert

Actual update (2.6)  includes :

*Arena Commander is the first module. It is a dogfighting game.

* Star Marine is the second module. You can complete mission, choose your character; travel whatever you want without loading.

* Universe is the future persistent game. It is playable, and your progression will be saved on the future persistent universe.

Next update (3..0)  includes :

possibility to get  new jobs (trader, bounty hunter, mercenary…)

* Squadron 42 : This upcoming module will be sold as a complete and single mode game. Players will join the army of the UEE and will defeat Vanduuls.

Official website :


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